Thursday, June 18, 2009

Fox News Vol. 1

OK, just little things tonight. I haven't watched Fox News in a while...been busy washing my hair. But in the tradition of keeping your enemies close I watched the end of the O'Reilly Factor tonight..actually watching it right now. Neil Cavuto is on. He says he's never mocked or made snide remarks about President Obama. Says he was "slighted" because the President did not come on his show. Says that Fox News has been completely fair to The seriously people, how could I make this shit up, this is what he's saying. When did Fucking NEIL CAVUTO get important enough to be "slighted"? How about he's the President of the United States and doesn't have the time time fuck around with a half-witted reporter who can barely spell economics? I really would like to get these guys in and alley and beat the crap out of them. I mean I don't like everything The President has come up with? Who the hell does? But these guys are just clowns and need to be handed a beatin'....ok, that's it for now. I got better things to do.

Oh yeah..Megyn Kelly got her JD from Albany Law School...come I REALLY need to tell you why that's funny???

The Real Housewives ROCK!!!

OK, I haven't really had much to say lately but I'm sitting here watching my new favorite show, The Real Housewives of New Jersey...Are you kidding me? This is better than 24 and True Blood combined!! I mean expect for the older fat broad, who really does have it all together and is the only female on the show with any brains, the rest of them are worst than stupid. And you know if you take stupid, no class and put some cameras in the room??? Now that's a good time!!!

Oh and by the way, most of the kids on the show are so much more mature than the grown! Unfortunately they're all going to grow up in Jersey with those lunatics...poor kids!!

.......but Danielle is really hot maybe it doesn't matter.