Saturday, May 9, 2009

In Defense of Marriage...

OK, so this stupid twit Miss California now says she will continue to do "whatever it takes to protect marriage"....???

OK, maybe someone who reads this can explain it to me...If I was married, and my two gay next door neighbors then got married...what happens next? Does my marriage magically just dissolve right before my very eyes? Or maybe everyone in my neighborhood who is married to someone from the opposite sex decides that since the gays are now married they are all going to get divorces?? I need to know how this works. Families are good for society and marriage is a good thing for families so if letting gays get married is going to automatically make all other marriages null and void or make everyone who was thinking about getting married change their minds...

OK, this is even too stupid for satire.


  1. The twit might best be able to protect marriage by not getting married herself.

    Allow me to explain, Jeff. Now that Maine has legalized marriage between members of the same sex, my marriage to Freda (twenty years this year)has been dissolved and I must now become wed to another man. I'd ask you, but you are geographically undesireable.

  2. HAAAAAAA That's too good! TPBE! Love you both. Hope you're doing well!!!

  3. Buster, your friend Tom is very funny..keep them coming..

  4. Point 1.
    Remember Dr. Seuss? He wrote about star bellied Sneetches and plain bellied Sneetches. The plain bellied ones felt left out and promptly got themselves a star of their own. Not to be outdone, the SBSs had theirs removed.
    Point 2.
    Same sex marriage (oxymoron if there ever was one) should have another name.
